수려한 | Sooryehan


전통과 현대적 아름다움의 가치있는 조화 A valuable harmony between tradition and modern beauty
No importa lo que pase pero siempre constantes en el skincare 😜🫰🏻! #skincare #skicanreroutine #creadordecontenido #cosasquesientecaro #cosasquepasan #skincareproducts #koreanproducts #skincarecoreana
6 hours ago
#제품협찬 #제품증정 🎶🎵띵동 🎵🎶 스타일러 홈캉스백 ”시즌 35” 이 도착했어요💜 봄의 싱그러움 가득 넣은 새로운 물결무늬 🌼노랑이#블루오브 백에 이번에도 푸짐한 주부생활 스타일러의 🎁 선물이 도착했어요~ 👍깜짝 선물 같은 홈캉스백을 받으러 어디로 간다구요?? * 홈캉스백 받는 방법 👉주부생활앱에서 ”시즌 36” 신청받고 있으니 인친님들 어서 가서 신청하세요! * 추천인 코드 입력 QZ1QBU 잊지 마세요~! ”시즌 35“ 알찬 구성 보자구요👍👍 💜 수려한 진생에센스 토탈 안티에이징 기프트세트 #0808안티에이징 아침8시부터 오후 8시까지 하루종일 아름다운 피부컨디션을 건강하고 탄탄허게 유지! 5가지 인삼성분이 더 강력하게 더 진하게 스며들다. * 진생컴플리트 * 수려한 1등 에센스 * 진세노사이드33 * 로얄작약 - 신선한 작약과 생로얄젤리 사용하고 숙성 이 좋은 성분이 함유된 기프트세트에 샘플 용량이 정품급!! 에센스 두 종류, 크림, 마지막 팩까지~👍 써 보고 싶었는데 좋은 제품 사용해 볼 수 있는 기회 너무 좋네요~ 💜아임오 그린앤 중형 * 자연에 더 가깝게, * 피부에 더 부드럽게 * 날개까지 식물성 커버 필요할 때 딱 맞춰 선물 보내주는 주부생활 센스👍 아임오 성분 좋아서 내돈내산 하고 있는중 💜 홀리츄얼 파워 리뉴얼 키트 제가 진심 좋아하는 홀리츄얼입니다! * 코어 리프트 액티베이팅 세럼 * 컨센트레이트 시그니처 크림 라이트 * 래디언스 리설페이싱 필 단 한번반 사용해도 모두 알 수 있다죠!!!! 긴 말 필요없이 사용햐보세요ㅑ찐으로 넘 좋아서 구입해서 사용하고 있는 제품 강추합니다!!! 밀도 있는 탄탄한 피부로 가꿔주는
안티에이징 크림으로 더 생기있는 피부로 변해가자~!! 💜 일동후디스 하이키드 프로바이오틱스 우리아이들 튼튼한 장건강을 위해 하루 한포 맛있는 복숭아맛 유산균으로 관리해주자~👍 💜 일동후디스 하이키드 멀티비타민 구미 쑥쑥 자라라! 성장기 어린이의 건강 브랜드! * 아이들이 좋아하는 맛있는 포도맛 구미로 우리 아이의 부족한 비타민 채워주기 딱 알맞춤~! 계속 달라고 보채는 일이 생길 수 있는게 함정이죠~^^ 💜 메디힐 #티트리앰플 사용 30초 후 80% 초속 진정개선 초속 진정 뒤 꽉찬 수분 충전을 해준다니 갱년기 피부 트러블 잔뜩 생기는 나한테도, 20대 왕성한 호르몬 분비 가득한 케빈군한테 딱인 제품! 아들이 사용중👍 피부 가라 앉길 기대 가득! 영양성분을 지켜낸 기술 티트리 페어™ * 제주산 티트리로 28시간 대나무 숙성 발효 * 유산균 발효로 유효성분 활성화 * 200시간 저온 추출로 영양은 그대로 * 리포솜 공법으로 더욱 높아진 흡수력 끈적임은 잡고 촉촉함만 남아 산뜻하게 스며드는 고농축 텍스처 맘에든다 맘에들어! 💜지노렉스 페미닌 이너밸런스 동아제약이 여성을 위해 만든 브랜드 약산성 ph밸런스를 맞춰 주면서 환경을 안정화 시켜주니 여성이라면 모두에게 필요한 제품이지 않을까요? #제품협찬 #홈캉스백 #스타일러홈캉스백 #스타일러매거진 #주부생활 #퍼퓸드말리 #캐치서비스 #아임오 #지노렉스 #홀리추얼 #수려한 #하이키드 #울쎄라
17 hours ago
#gifted Sooryehan Hyobidam Fermented Skincare gift Set by @sooryehan_us . This kit is perfect for gifting and a great gift idea for next Mother’s Day, offering luxurious skin care.❤️❤️❤️ ♥️ The HYOBIDAM Fermented Skincare Set offers a comprehensive collection featuring Baekhyodan, Wild Ginseng, and fermented Silver Mushroom Extract for intense hydration and anti-aging benefits. Sooryehan incorporates Korean Ginseng in its herbal medicinal skincare, while LG Beauty, under LG H&H, promises effective skincare with patented ingredients and advanced technology. ♥️ Set includes: - HYOBIDAM Fermented Toner 150ml - HYOBIDAM Fermented Emulsion 150ml - Anti-Aging Wash-Off Mask 40ml - Toner 20ml - Emulsion 20ml - Essence 5ml - Cream 10ml - Eye cream 5ml
3 days ago
Get ready to quench your skin's thirst with the Sooryehan water-based cream! Its lightweight formula hydrates deep within, leaving you with a fresh, radiant glow all day long. Cheers to happy, hydrated skin! Sooryehan's Hyobidam Water-Spring Cream Advanced Special Set blew me away with their elegant packaging, The jar will definitely be repurposed as it's too pretty not to keep with it's detailed matte silver cap. This set comes with 1 large container of the moisturizer as well as 2 travel-sized tubes and a hair scrunchie. This is my introduction to Sooryehan's skincare and I am already looking forward to exploring their line of skincare further. Sooryehan's water-based moisturizer quickly absorbs into the skin and is perfect for my oily combination skin, especially as summer is approaching Now available on my Amazon storefront. Link in my story and bio.
4 days ago
秀雅韓 #酵活水瞬透EX 系列 全新升級上市💧 美不美!!! 這系列真的好優雅~ 登登!!! 新品分享來了! 之前去韓國就認識的品牌 韓國頂級韓方保養專家『Sooryehan 秀雅韓』 品牌運用韓國自然蔘及傳統韓方成分🥹🥹 透過先進的技術為肌膚帶來最有效的護理。 2024年的 #酵活水EX系列 升級啦! 這系列我覺得非常的保濕 整體吸收度超好! 上完保養品會覺得 欸!怎麼吸收了🧽 因為這系列有三大特色成分! 🤍雙倍添加「發酵水耕蔘玻尿酸EX™」 這個厲害了! 它能不間斷的補水、保水及鎖水 新添加「人蔘花精萃™」 這個非常稀有! 一年只開花三天而珍貴稀有的人蔘花 可以提升肌膚的防禦力 外在環境的髒污、傷害都可以由他來守護 🤍新添加「彈力氨基酸™」 不只保濕還要澎潤! 裡面有雙重胺基酸 可以增強皮膚彈性 ㄉㄨㄞㄉㄨㄞ的 看起來年輕十歲! #酵活水瞬透玻尿酸保濕水EX 一整瓶滿滿的高效保濕因子這瓶能肌膚滿滿的彈嫩感 我都喜歡用來濕敷! #酵活水瞬透3合1玻尿酸霜EX 在韓國超熱銷! 銷售量已突破164萬瓶 怎麼可以不試試看! 質地是凝凍霜狀 上皮膚後會形成一道隱形鎖水網 而且很適合夏天! 清爽不黏膩💧 趕快各位!! 夏天到了一起鎖住肌膚水分吧! @Sooryehan_tw_official Photographer @ian_xuan.studio Dress & Style @kunqueen
4 days ago
사용감 100% 만족! 뷰티핀 자외선차단제 추천 1탄 [유기자차]편 소개해드립니다 😘 1. 메디힐 수분 진정 선크림 뷰티핀 3월 이달의1위템 [선크림] 부문 1위템 촉촉 백탁현상 1도 없는 머무리감 눈시림 없이 데일리로 사용하기 참 좋아요! 2. 디어달리아 선 브리즈 에센셜 선 세럼 피부가 건강해보이는 적당한 (?) 톤업과 윤기를 더해주는 선세럼 메이크업 밀착력까지 높여주는 제품! 3. 수려한 효비담 수분샘 수분어린 선퀴드 진짜 가볍고! 진짜 촉촉함 제형감에 반해버렸습니다 바른듯 안바른듯 (좋은뜻으로) 존재감 1도 없는 가벼운 선크림! 다음 [무기자차]편도 기대해주세요 😎
4 days ago
[Review] 💦 Sooryehan’s Water Spring Cream . . . *pr, I received this product for free from Picky and SOORYEHAN in exchange for my honest review. @go.picky @pickyrewards @sooryehan_us 💦 I love love love Sooryehan’s Water Spring Cream! It comes in a gorgeous container and has two bonus travel size tubes! I prefer gel-creams and this one did not disappoint! This is amazing for my combo/oily skin! I’m always looking for something that provides deep hydration without being heavy and this one ticks off all the boxes! It is so lightweight yet so moisturizing - like I’m putting on a sheet mask! It isn’t greasy and absorbs quickly! It gives my skin a glassy appearance and has nice slip so my makeup glides on nicely! I was excited that one of its powerful ingredients is fermented ginseng and I love that it smells a little like ginseng too! Conveniently available for purchase on Amazon! Don’t hesitate - just buy this one! Definitely 5 out of 5 stars! ~ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 ~ Kaile 🌸🎼🪭 #pickyreview #gopicky #sooryehan
5 days ago
❤️ @sooryehanofficial Fermented Skincare Set Gift ❣️ I love this set of products for a complete skincare routine 😍. The design of the box is beautiful, I like the pattern around it and the packaging is elegant and gorgeous 💛 The products smell so good (contains fragrance), but is not overwhelming for me and the textures are lightweight. They absorb nicely into my skin in about 2 minutes. Each product leaves the skin with a healthy glow and hydrated. I think it is for all skin types but dry skin could benefit even more with these products. The 2 big principal products are the Revitalizing Toner and the Emulsion Lotion. ✨ Principal benefits: Anti-aging, nourishing, hydrating, improving skin texture and elasticity. ✨ Key ingredients: Baekhyodan Complex™ (100 days blend of Wild Ginseng), herbal complex, fermented Silver Mushroom Extract ✨ Products: Fermented Toner (5.07 Fl Oz & 0.67 Fl Oz), Fermented Emulsion (5.07 Fl Oz & 0.67 Fl Oz), Fermented Essence (0.17 fl oz), Fermented Cream (0.34 fl oz), Fermented Eye Cream (0.17 fl oz), and Sleeping Pack (1.35 fl oz) [PR] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #gifted #kbeauty #koreanskincare #snailmucin #essence #healthyskin #skincareblogger #aesthetic #aesthetic #beautybloguers #beauty #loveit #dryskin #beautiful #instagood #reels #viral #skincareproducts #skincarlover #skin #skincare #skingoals✨ #vlog #fyp #texture K-beauty | Korean | Korean skincare | Asian | Asian beauty | aesthetic | review | reseña | piel sana | content creator | USA | beauty | makeup | beauty products | healthy skin | beauty content | pretty
5 days ago
👄 Looking for a 5-in-1 lip care? Check out @sooryehan_us Volume Up Lipcerin 💄 A valuable harmony between tradition and modern beauty 🌸 1️⃣ Wrinkle improvement 2️⃣ Exfoliation 3️⃣ Moisturization 4️⃣ Elasticity 5️⃣ Volumizing Effect Made of: 1️⃣ Glutathione 2️⃣ Proteoglycans 3️⃣ Ginseng 4️⃣ Oriental Herbs 💋 What’s your favorite lip product(s)? 💝 @sooryehanofficial *Gifted from GA #Igbeauty #sooryehan #lipcerin #lipproducts #skincare #skincareproducts #kbeauty #koreanbeauty #kbeautyproducts
6 days ago
“Hey there beauty enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you my latest obsession - the @sooryehanofficial Hyobidan Fermented Skincare Gift Set. This Korean skincare brand is all about defying age and enhancing beauty using traditional herbal medicinal methods. At the heart of their formulas is Korean Ginseng, sourced from the pristine landscapes of Korea, and scientifically extracted for its skincare benefits. Sooryehan truly embodies eternal beauty by creating products that help your skin achieve a youthful, radiant appearance. This set includes a range of essentials to pamper your skin, such as a revitalizing toner, emulsion lotion, essence, cream, cleansing foam, sheet masks, and more. Each product is specially fermented to rejuvenate your skin and help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Sooryehan products are formulated with a unique combination of ingredients that target skin aging signs while promoting a smoother and luminous complexion. They also provide hydration and nourishment to keep your skin looking its best. Remember, it’s always a good idea to patch test before introducing new products to your skincare routine. If you’re seeking an effective anti-aging solution or just want to pamper your skin with some high-quality Korean skincare products, I highly recommend giving the Sooryehan Hyobidan Fermented Skincare Gift Set a try! Thanks for tuning in today. If you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, don’t forget to like, share, and follow for more beauty tips and insights. Until next time folks - take care of your inner glow!” #Sooryehan #Skincare #KoreanSkincare #AntiAging #Beauty #RadiantSkin #GlowingComplexion #HerbalMedicinalMethods
7 days ago
If you are looking for perfect gift skincare. Choose this 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐘𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐌 𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐓 The Sooryehan Hyobidam Fermented Skincare Gift Set is a luxurious collection of skincare products that are formulated with traditional Korean fermentation techniques to deliver powerful anti-aging and skin-renewing benefits. This set includes: 1. Hyobidam Fermented Toner: A hydrating and rejuvenating toner that helps to balance the skin's pH levels and improve overall skin texture. 2. Hyobidam Fermented Emulsion: A lightweight moisturizer that nourishes and softens the skin while providing anti-aging benefits. 3. Hyobidam Fermented Essence: A concentrated serum that helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness, while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 4. Hyobidam Fermented Cream: A rich and creamy moisturizer that deeply hydrates and replenishes the skin, leaving it soft and supple. 5. Hyobidam Fermented Eye Cream: A gentle and nourishing eye cream that helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness, while firming and lifting the delicate skin around the eyes. This luxurious gift set is perfect for anyone looking to pamper their skin with high-quality, nourishing skincare products that deliver visible results. #sooryehan #gifted #ad #sponsored #antiaging #antiagingskincare #antiagingproducts #kskincare #skincareproducts #ra _sha85
7 days ago